Originally Posted by Molecules
when i saw them they closed with 'you made me realise' (apparently they always do this) which bridged into what we timed as 20/25 minutes of noise before diving back into the song... i've recounted it already i believe but it was most definitely a sonic avalanche - we watched two people faint and hundreds of indie kids struggling to maintain their composure before their girlfriends made them leave. Pretty torturous yet magnificent upon completion, like the London marathon. i'd like to see a video of that
I saw them here in Austin this past April (one of, I think, five US dates?).
They did the extended noise jam at the end - man, it was intense. I think I remember reading about how they always did that "back in the day" but I had forgotten. I really had never experienced anything like it despite all the eardrum-crushing bands I have seen play. The vibrations felt like they were disintegrating my body. At times I actually felt like I might vomit (it passed). I didn't see anybody faint but it wouldn't have surprised me.
Also, the light show was seizure-inducing throughout most of the set. I spent a lot of time looking down at the back of the person in front of me.. When it was all over people looked around at each other like "can you believe that...?"