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Old 06-07-2009, 09:16 PM   #7 (permalink)
I'm sorry, is this Can?
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
But and that is a big but, one thing I don't get his you vehement distaste for the world's most tasteful Rock n Roll band ever.
There are three reasons I love hating on the beatles:
1. The defensive fans:
These are the people I love the most, if I bash them, they'll start spouting varius amounts of crap. The Beatles were this and that, they were the only psychedelic band to matter etc., they were the only British band that was popular in the 60's. They started the wave of decent rock music. Whatever bull**** they can get their claws at. And what makes them so great, is the fact that they always bite always. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

2. The elitist fans:
These are the main reason I hate the Beatles. They'll claim to be on the edge, and have a massive disdain for anything pop. Unless of course it was shat out of the arses of the fab four. The type of people that hate Britney Spears or, yes, even Billy Joel for being too pop, but then go back home and put the Beatles entire discography on repeat. The type of people that claim that modern music has gone to ****, or rather, modern mainstream music has. The sad fact is I'd agree with them, if their favourite band wasn't the Beatles. They fail to notice, that the hooks and sensibilities they disdain were pretty much invented (well popularised, but beatles fans don't seem to notice the difference) by the Beatles.

3. The godawful music:
How the hell can people listen to this boring pap? I've been subjected to it far more than I'd like, I weep for all these times I could have been listening to decent music instead of having this utter rubbish shoved down my throat. It's elevator music, pure and simple. Even their last few albums, I mean come on, have the people that immortalise Sgt Peppers or the White album actually even listened to any of the other albums of their time? There was nothing cutting edge about anything they did. Or if there was they were certainly cutting the wrong fucking edge.
But I do have to admit as a Rolling Stone fan, when I was a kid I was completely annoyed with KISS fans who touted KISS as the greatest RnR band in the world. And is because kiss couldn't play one lick to save Aunt Edna.
Yeah but no one cares about KISS now. So good music won out there.
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Originally Posted by antonio
classical music isn't exactly religious, you know?

Last edited by Comus; 06-08-2009 at 10:26 AM.
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