Just because I'm super bored:
1. I'm 26 and have never worked a day in my life.
2. I used to have long hair but cut if off about 5 years ago when I stared wearing glasses. The two just don't mix well. Go
ddamn college costing me my eyesight!
3. Speaking of college, I've protracted that sucker to its 9th year. Yeah you heard me, did someone call themselves lazy? I beg to differ sir...:|
4. I still haven't told my parents I'm g
ay....le sigh...

5. Jesus I'm only up to five...um, when I was in the seventh grade I became mortally afraid of the wind, which blows like a freakin' hurricane on my island and every freakin' day during the winter. That was a traumatic year. I'd say that's when I stopped being a child.
6. I'm asocial and I've never met a person whose company I'd want to actively seek out. Not there there aren't such people around, I just haven't met them...and don't really care to.
7. I leave the apartment every few days to get groceries, otherwise I'm a shut-in.

8. Eight...ok, this is gonna take a while...oh...I'm a paranoid hypochondriac.
9. My left nut feels a little weird...I think it might be cancer...*see above*
10. I need to sleep like 8 hours otherwise I feel groggy all day. I got up at noon today. :|
11. Ughh...*thinks hard* when I was 14 I got pissed and made out with a girl...I still can't get over the trauma...:|
12. I smoked a pack of cigarettes for 10 years and then stopped because I thought my heart skipping was caused by it. *see eight* Apparently it wasn't. :\
13. I have no idea what I wanna do with my life.
14. I think I've been writing this for like 20 minutes now, I don't think I've spent that much time on a post in months now. I hope y'all realize how fortunate you are...
15. I'm good at languages but I enrolled into a math gymnasium, and as it happens, I suck at math.
16. I bought an iphone in America which I use as an Ipod because I haven't cracked it yet. Good investment though.
17. I live in a two story apartment all by myself.
18. I'm terrible with kids. My niece and nephew are afraid of me. :\
19. I'm beginning to sound like a total goth freak aren't I? Um....I can't run a mile without being out of breath.
20. It took me 3 tries to walk in a gym and sign up for a membership. I kept coming up to the door and then going back. I just found it all so embarrassing. I still think it's kinda embarrassing to sweat in front of other people...that's why I work out at home now...:\
21. I watch about 2 films a day and still have some 100 films that I've downloaded and not watched yet and by now have gotten sick of the mere sight of them.
22. Um.................................I got a hard on the other day when I was reading about a lesbian sex scene in Murakami's
Norwegian wood.....O.o...
23. I'm into middleaged dudes...O.o....
24. I'll never get over the fact that I'm limited to being a passive recipient of art.
25. Ok, last but not least, I shaved my d
ick once to see what it was like....I felt like I was 10.....not a nice sight my friends...:\
Hmmm...well, that was rather drab wasn't it....I'm sure I'll think of something better later on....*le sigh*