The Xtra Normal Video Thread
Alrite, Ive recentley discovered the above website and had an idea to make a thread dedicated to the video I have been making profiling Musicbanter residents. I hope this thread goes down well as I am aware it may be a little immature for someone of my age. Also I am aware it isnt to do with Music, which is why I have posted it in 'The Lounge' area.
Also I have included a Poll with this thread simply out of interest to see if people think its a good refreshing idea as I do.
If you dont make out some of the text heres the script:
Hello and welcome to my Xtranormal Video thread, specially dedicated to profiling Music Banter residents old and new. I recentley discovered this website earlier today and have started a new hobbie which, if anyone else is sad enough to be already participating in making these videos, feel free to add to my thread. Firstly, Ill start with the first video I did, which is about my brother. Secondly, Sorry Sonace but you are the first entrant from Music Banter. Also I do apologise for the ****ing crude nature of my videos and hope the mods dont close this thread as I think it will be a good laugh. Enjoy!
Originally Posted by JayJamJah
Watch what happens when we change just a three little words (by my doorstep)
Originally Posted by Mirrorball95Doppelganger
Yeah if I could get a big one, say from Neil Young or something, id stick it in. I'd just get sick.