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Thread: The Mars Volta
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Old 06-06-2009, 09:05 AM   #580 (permalink)
one big soul
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An early opinion on Octahedron...

I'm mildly dissapointed. I know that The Mars Volta were going for a softer style here, but I wish they would have done more musically. It was almost lazy. Cotopaxi is an all-time great track however, and a lot of the slower tracks have nice melody nad are very enjoyable. I guess I just expected a little more out of them musically. This feels more like a Mars Volta EP than it does an album, if you know what I mean. I did, however, get a sort of classic prog vibe out of this album, and maybe that's what they wanted to do. Still a solid album, and I'll listen to it a few more times in order to get a more informed opinion.

Early rating: 7.5/10

Not album of the year material unfortunately.
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