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Old 06-03-2009, 12:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
Darkest Hour
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Originally Posted by <Stiiccy> View Post
Yes there really talented...Only thing is, they need to go back to there old style of screaming...I know most people think that screamo is Horible, and give it most sreamo band suck. But I saw actual talent with this band Lyrically and espcially Musically...But there new stuff is really bad...that song Scream? cmon man thats not hardcore at all...
no they are not. They have a good guitarist, but you can't even focus on how the guitar sounds because your ears are bleeding to shadows vocals.

Why, their old style of screaming was better, but it still was mediocre at best, and their last album proved that they can't make a decent song anymore. They need to stop making albums....seriously.
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