
That's exactly what I was trying to do, get trance more popular.. well at least on here haha. On to another review!!
Today I will do 2 releases! Some of my all time favorites
Robert Nickson feat. Elsa Hill - Never Again
Label : A State of Trance
Release : May 19th, 2008
Versions : Original, Nitrous Oxide Remix
Original : Pure progressive. An absolute lush tune with a gorgeous melody made using a vocal sample from the amazing Elsa Hill. Her voice couldn't fit the song any better. Airy and soft yet dynamic as well. Every time I hear it, it makes me think of last summer and brings back so many good memories. The only bad thing is that it can get a bit repetitive but it's so calm and soft that you don't really notice. You're too busy being awashed by the mellifluous melodies. 9/10
Nitrous Oxide Remix : This one, luckily, is also amazing. Krzysztof
Prętkiewicz didn't change the original elements. He simply sped up the tempo and made it much more powerful and epic. A perfect peak time tune that maintains it's beauty and emotion. It's hard to say which one is better simply because they are different styles. It all depends on what mood you're in! If you want progressive then the original, if you want something more energetic and then the remix. They're so similar.. and that's a VERY good thing. A gorgeous yet powerful tune : 9/10
Sundriver - Feel
Label : Red Force Recordings
Release : June 23rd, 2008
Versions : Original, Nitrous Oxide Remix, Robert Burian Remix, Underwater Remix
Original : From the very beginning you can tell the song is packed with emotion. A light pad synth accompanies a relatively punchy kick and instantly entrances you.. no pun intended. As the song progresses the melody becomes more and more fervent and euphoric. Just as it reaches its max, it hushes itself back to subtlety. The song has so much dynamic and beauty, it's a classic indeed. 8+/10
Nitrous Oxide Remix : It's Krzysztof again! One of Poland's most talented producers. In his usual style it packs a lot of punch while preserving the beautiful melody and euphoria. This is my favorite out of the bunch for this reason. The original is very good but I find it a bit too simple. Every time I hear this version I get goosebumps. He uses the break as an advantage to create a huge level of euphoria. The melody in the original song shifts in the buildup but he decides to put the buildup in the break. This way you get this subtle caged melody that slowly gets louder and louder and then shifts which just makes it so unbelievably uplifting. The payoff, which rarely happens, is when the bass comes in where he adds a thick pad synth to the melody and maintains it's euphoric sense even after the buildup. Then before the second time the melody gets introduced he puts in a simple piano melody that works so well. Although I never heard a piano sound bad in a trance song. Just undoubtedly gorgeous. 9/10
Robert Burian Remix : Unfortunately Robert manages to give the song .. a rather heavy dose of cheese. The break has a really outdated sounding pad with a pretty neat payoff. However the original was euphoric and this one is just.. mediocre and maybe danceable at best. The techy melody IS very neat and all but it gets old rather quickly. The first 10 seconds you think it's catchy and pretty damn awesome.. but by the time the damn near 4 minutes that the melody plays for is over, you change your mind. 6+/10
Underwater Remix : Yet another amazing Polish Trance producer! Maybe there's so many Polish remixes on it because Sundriver himself is Polish. What a coincidence! However the label has a very interesting story.. it's ran by Redstar, a US trance producer located in Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania! Amazing isn't it? This tune was huge as well so it's surprising.. as always.. I digress. This one travels a different route from Nitrous' version. Łukasz Stankiewicz decides to keep it like the original.. a very wise choice indeed! He packs a little more punch which is always nice. He also has a big buildup like the Nitrous Remix which is another great choice indeed. The biggest flaw however is that the main melody is a bit too chopped up so it's more of a dance feel and loses the euphoria he might have gained if he'd kept it more simple. That's not as bad as it sounds though because having a good hook is never bad! Overall a pretty good song that's well produced.. but rather forgettable. 7/10