Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Posts: 11,172
The Ernest Hemingway of the boards. RT has always been a voice of reason, and even in times of absolute debauchery he's never told me to go **** myself, which I have to imagine has crossed his mind once or twice.
Urban Hatemonger
One of my favorites, he's a Brit but he reminds me of the Brooklyn guys. There is no gray area, it is what it is and it usually takes him 3 words to say what others can't in three posts.
As a younger man I'm sure he'd have pissed me off, but I've come far enough to know not many will be this honest with you. And its appreciated.
Jack HammerI've honestly never had much interaction with the guy, and I'm sorry it took this thread to realize that but I guess I should PM him... sorry man.
Sleepy Jack
For all we brawl, I like Ethan. I feel like he uses the site as his own god damned litter box sometimes, but we've all had on down moments. The faceless boy wonder has been around long enough, and has locked horns enough with me that I can say he's earned my respect.
Churchill once said, I like a man who can grin when he fights. Ethan just likes fights, and terrible singer-songwriters
Apparently we had it out once, but I don't recall, and I'm bias toward anyone from the motherland. He's been off my radar recently and that's probably my fault, but one of my favorite guys on here.
I love this guy mostly because I think he's pushing the rock uphill. For those who havn't planned things with him, he'll suggest this very logical, strait forward, intelligent plan to us, and 90% of the time we respond with "those *******s will never go for that." he's more patient than most here, and he's worked harder to get things done than any new mod I've seen.
DT reminds me of a new school Black tshirt. Cept American. She's often eloquent in her brevity, and I'd agree with Verdical (sp?) thats shes one of the more attractive members of the board. Expect big things.
Boo Boo
Boobs takes quite a bit of heat here, and occasionally from me, but you have to respect a guy who stands up for what he believes in and don't follow along (like many do here) with what he thinks everyone else is going to say.
Once awhile back, he thought I hated him because of a dispute on Stings Bass playing skill. That should sum up our relationship, huge brawl over something I'm sure neither of us actually care about.
His knowledge of things is unparalleled and the whole "use Yes lines in every post" thing was a friggen riot. The "I'm just a starship trooper, I go floating on by" had me killing myself.
Just needs to chill out, is posting a lot because he's bored and if he imposed a 5 min limit on himself people writing something and posting it, I'm sure he'd be a lot better off. Someone get this kid a video game addiciton to MMO's so he can burn off the time.
One of the things that distresses me on these forums is that this kid wants me to get terminal brain cancer tomorrow. I like the old man and look forward to his insight but its tough to swallow since he's gunning for my jugular in any thread we both happen to be in.
I read what he wrote about me here, and he's either got the wrong impression somehow or he's just using it for more ammunition. In the end, he's been one of the members whos attempted to make these boards a better place.
As Stephen Colbert would say: Formidable Opponent.
Captain Caveman
Hysterical. Never makes a real post to save his life and I wish he would so the grumpy mods wouldn't delete everything he writes.
The one run-in I had with the guy was him bashing savannah on behalf of his girlfriend. Needless to say, I'm no fan.
Yukon Cornelius
Had a real turn around. I'm not sure how I feel which is a marked change from when he was a pain in the ass.
While the rest of the forums we're likly taping her picture to their ceilings, I was actually drawn to Savannah because she was directly attacked once in an aggressive, unwarrented, senseless fashion and her response was "yeah well opinions vary" or something to that effect.
I PM'd her then and told her I wished more people could handle things like she does. I'd prefer it if I could do it do, but I'm genetically disposed to be a furious, paranoid grump.
Also, her accents hot.
Rolls with the punches like no newbie has in awhile. I see too little of her, and I'm not happy about it.
An oldie that stayed away too long. i'm glad she's back. I swear the women on these boards are more level headed than the most normal of guys. Again, I guess I'm supposed to comment on how hot she is but its not my thing.
Mr. Dave
Don't know him too well but as I recall I liked his responses despite not remembering what they were.
A fellow mod I never speak to often. The mod cave is all math and no fashion, so aside from us hashing things out, I don't know him very well.
Whats bad to say about a guy who agrees with you? If I had drinking buddies, he'd remind me of one of my drinking buddies.
The Unfan
Pretty funny but tries to be a **** all to often. Is what it is.
Lucifer Sam
Use to hate this guy, not in an angry way, but I just had no use for him. These days I think he's insightful, and probably one of the more shrew posters. He never steps into a quagmire, I should probably follow his example.
Cardboard Adolescent
Might have Beckett for his avatar, but it should be Spok (sp?)
Its hard to write about nice guys, and this is no exception. However, his Jazz thread has been the cleansing boat from Valhalla these soulless forum needed.
Of all the guys I've fought with, no ones been more grounded in reasonable thought. We took a battle to PM's and now we're BFF. Well alright not BFF but we're cool, and if theres anything I really like on these boards its when bitter enemies become friends.
Veridical Fiction
Don't know much about him, but I've only seen good things. See Satchmo
Seems stuck in his ways. I never see too much exploration on his part but maybe he's not on my forum circuit.
Piss Me Off
Nice Guy. Raging Drunk. Amazing Thread Game Starter.
I'll edit more in later.