Just wrote something on the first peeps that came to mind...
Urban – He was the very first person to ever send me a PM here, and the very first person to add me as a friend on last.fm. Our musical tastes are extremely different, but I still have always loved reading his “Top 100” threads (that he rarely finishes!). He’s always been super helpful and a sweetheart…completely witty and hilarious also. I kinda feel like he’s my slightly older brother who lives far far away…we don’t talk much, but if I ever got in a scrap he’d be there to kick someone’s ass.
Jackhammer –He’s a veritable music gold mine, always helpful and tries to be accepting of everyone. He wants everyone to love his music as much as he does and sometimes they simply don’t, but I hope that doesn’t stop him from posting new stuff, because he contributes so much to this site and it would be a damn shame if he burned out. Personally, as we’ve chatted, he’s grown to be a great friend and confidante, always supportive and never judgmental, but still straight forward. I don’t know what I (or MB) would do without him. We’ll always have Fat Freddy’s Drop…
Savannah – My homegirl,….we’ve got to go drinkin’ sometime,….I always enjoy reading her posts,….even though sometimes I have to re-read them 3 times,…..lol,…despite what many seem to think of her,… she’s obviously a deep thinking person who likes to have her fun too,…
Janszoon – This guy cracks me up. He has such an awesome sense of humor and I’m constantly laughing out loud when I read his posts. I also appreciate how he’s not argumentative and somehow always manages to speak his part in a debate without being obnoxious or defensive or condescending. He just seems so laid back and chill…like he’d be a great person to kick back and have a drink and a chat with.
Toretorden – I haven’t talked to Tore much at all. Lots of people of thrown around the term “robot” to describe him, but I just don’t think that’s very fair. He’s definitely analytical, which I guess comes with having a scientific mind, but it’s also apparent that he’s compassionate, moral, fair, and maybe even a little self-conscious, but always self-confident as well. Definitely one of the brightest minds here and he has great taste in music too!
Molecules – Mollie…where are you buddy? It’s obvious a lot of people here miss his witticisms and off-kilter personality. He really brightens up the place and it’s kind of gray without him around.
Yukon Cornelius – I know he can be spastic and a lot of his posts seem incoherent…but I’ve had the chance to chat with him via PM and he’s not a bad guy at all. He adores his family and has been through some hard times (not unlike many of us on here). He’s a lot more mellow when you get him out of the threads and chatting one on one.
Boo boo – At first he seemed abrasive and judgmental to me and actually a little intimidating. But now he seems like a pretty lovable guy, if not a tad bit sensitive though admittedly I haven't had the chance to really get to know him. I admire how he puts himself out there personally, and I can’t say I’d ever have the guts to do the same. He seems to be well-versed in the music that he really enjoys…but I just don’t see how you could like Michael Jackson better than Prince. :P
Dreadnaught – I’ve also not had the chance to get to know her, but just from reading her posts and watching her moderator skills, it’s obvious that she’s beautiful inside and out and has crackin’ taste in music. I would have tried to befriend her in highschool.
Adidasss – Ahhhhh….adidasss. Sometimes he is the smokin’ hot, inaccessible ga
y guy that woman are always complaining about (“Why are the hot ones always either g
ay or married?”)…and sometimes he’s the lazy, pot headed guy that women are always complaining about. Sometimes he makes me wince with his brutal honesty, but he also amuses me with the way he analyzes my user name and uses obscure smilies that no one else can find. I also appreciate that when it comes to music, he likes what he likes and the rest of you can go f*ck off.
Pobody’s Nerfect – He should pursue a career in marketing me thinks. He knows how to promote the music he loves and wants to share. He makes you want to love it as much as he does, without being pushy or annoying. And who doesn’t like getting free music anyway? It’s because of him that I’ve taken a shine to live band hip hop and dark, broody jazz music. I wish we had more people on this site like him.
Whatsitoosit – I’m glad he came back and started posting again…but I wish he’d post other places besides the Christianity thread and the Michael Jackson thread. I liked him from the start though…funny and easy going. And his beard is hot. (Please tell me you still have it…).
Wolfwolverinelady – You’s a crazy, quirky chick. I wish you and Sweets would get your thread back going again, because it not only introduced me to some fantastic music, but was sooo funny. Almost all of your posts are full of comedic win. You’re awesome.
Alfred – For being so young, he can certainly hold his own and is more articulate than most of the adults on this site (myself included). He never ceases to impress. And I have fun picking on him in the monthly compilation threads.