Boo Boo
I'll admit I think of Boo Boo as a little vindictive and I've been a bit weary about that. I was slightly worried I'd end up on his bad side when I had to work with him and Comus on some prog stuff, but I think it worked out. Their "rivalry" is well known to most

Actually, I think he seems more level headed now than he did some time ago. I do think he's guilty of wearing his taste and knowledge about music as a badge or e-peen extender on the forums sometimes (something he's accused others for in this thread), but we like some of the same stuff and I don't really mind too much. I'm hoping my relationship with him in the future will be productive even if not very warm and friendly. I think he sees the value of working together for the good of the forums and so do I, so .. who knows, maybe that's enough basis for a future friendship.
Wow, what a guy. There's a duality about Comus and I think a lot of people don't see it. At the core, he's a loveable guy - funny, friendly, productive, seems fond of life and is a big contributor to the site. On the other hand, he's strongly opinionated and got a bit of a troll in him (he's norwegian after all) and he often thrives on other people's reactions to his trolling. I don't mind it really, I think he's a blast on the forums and outside it .. and those who think of him as just a troll can just check out the amount of good reviews and threads he's written on this site. He contributes way more than the average member and, statistically speaking, probably more than you do. His presence adds colour to the forum and he is the best guy to discuss music with here!
I think Jackhammer is a sensitive guy with real heart. He has real concern and care for others which I think is admirable. Sometimes he radiates parenthood, more so than any other on here I think. However, I think he relies a bit much on his ability to judge others in his dealings with them - and occasionally, he does misjudge. However, he has good instincts for a lot of stuff and that coupled with experience makes him a good source for occasional advice and wisdom. JH is also one of the big, big contributors to the site and MB would be a much poorer place without him. He's worth his weight in gold around here. Also a good partner for the occasional drunken banter and I love his taste in 80s metal. Iron Maiden!! Yarr!
Right-Track impresses me. He commands more respect than most members here and it's not just because he's a moderator. He seems to know just how to handle any situation - wether it be with dry wit or harsh punishment - and because of that has a confidence in what he does that I'm sure far surpasses that of my own. He's also takes initiative and pushes quite a bit behind the scene where I think he's much more noticeable. Watching him and Lee joke back and forth with their english humour sometimes makes me wish I was a brit. Top guy and I hope I get to know him better with time!
Sorry, I know this is just a few people, but I gotta get back to my studies. I'll post more later.
Okay, time to do a few more!
Anteater - Friendly, smart Anty is another great guy on this forum! He certainly knows his prog and he always has something new to recommend me which I greatly appreciate

He makes a point of trying to add something to musicbanter by reviewing obscure stuff that he think will interest people and I wish his journal got a little more attention because it's one of the most exciting threads around this place. Anty is also good for the odd philosophical debate in which we usually defend different points of view, but still both manage to get something out of which I love. One of my favourite guys on here, although he's not as active as he should be .. And I miss the chats with him and Comus. Sorry for breaking your av, mate!
Urban Hatemonger - Another one of the mods who demands and deserves respect around here. Like RT, he's very confident and the fact that part of being a moderator is sometimes to make unpopular decisions doesn't phase him. Also, his sharp, witty and slightly cynical style makes him rather funny .. Despite his quick and just punishment of trolls, he's quite charming with the ladies. Some of these qualities makes for a slightly strange mix, so overall positive qualities aside, I also think he's slightly mysterious.
Bulldog - Bulldog is one of the guys I think I can relate to on the forum. He's level headed, friendly, excellent poster and his positive personae adds a lot to the forum. He also seems a little subtle, I think he tends to stay away from discussions or arguments if he only has negative stuff to say. This may put him in the background a bit .. until you meet one of his threads because he's one of the sites most productive reviewers and contributors with several excellent threads and many, many excellent posts to his name. I hope we can find more overlaps in our musical interests in the future because I'd very much like to get to know him better. His threads are just the kind of stuff I wanted to find when I first signed up here.
Demonoid - Another great guy and one of the first to leave a comment in my journal too. He was rather helpful as well and offered me help with some music I was looking for when I first joined. I know he's into RIO and Space Rock and I got a lot of tips from him - like Hidria Spacefolk and Kingston Wall. I think he may be gone these days which is really sad because I'd like to get to know him better and I think he would appreciate the new prog & psych forum. Come back man!
Coryallen2 - Troubled kid with his heart in the right place. He's a good guy, but I think his ADHD, young age and perhaps other qualities and circumstances make him an annoying poster on here. Moderating him is like beating a puppy for peeing on the carpet .. puppies learn quicker than cory, though, making him quite the handful - even if he's only got the best interests for the site in mind. I hope you're not offended cory! You can come to me with your tick related questions any time.
Molecules - Witty, friendly and fun guy who's presence brought a breath of life to the forums. Where did he go? I, like so many others here, miss him and hope he will return soon!