I love cake. Jesus wrote a blank check is the best song on that first album ( in my opinion).
Cool thread.
Originally Posted by sidewinder
I never cared for these guys because of "The Distance." It was an ok song but I never actually liked it. I think I disliked it at some point. Anyway, I've heard the other singles and always thought "Never There" was a really good song but I never bothered to check out an album because I was always thinking stuff would be like "The Distance." I guess I was wrong in thinking that, based on your post. There's another song I've heard, something about "I want a girl..." this and that, don't know the name. Anyway, that one's nice too. So maybe I should check them out at some point.
The distance is probably the most boring song they've ever written (well, next to sheep go to heaven).
See when you put a shell to your ear, it is not the sound of crashing waves you're hearing, it's the amplified current of your bloodstream -SF