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Old 06-01-2009, 07:37 PM   #2 (permalink)
Kevorkian Logic
Imperfectly Perfect
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5. My Bloody Valentine

Conway had orignially wanted the name "Burning Pea****s," but in the end it was decided that the band would be named after the Candian Slasher film (recently remade in American) "My Bloody Valentine." Alledgedly they never had seen the film until it came out in American over the past year.

6. Swans

Extremely abrasive music, Gira decided on a name that was the antithesis to the type of music his band played. Therefore pretty graceful quiet white swans.

7. Bauhaus

Named after the German art movement, I think it's east German. Their original name was Bauhaus 1919, but due to the fact that no one said the 1919 part (rarely even themselves) it was later shortened to their current name
"it is only through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect that a certain type of perfection can be attained"
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