The Origins of Band Names-
I'm sure everyone knows why some of the bands they liked are named what they are named.
Over the next few weeks I am going to attempt to go through 75ish of my favorite/most well known. And pretty go over why they are named what they are.
I started this for my own entertainment about a week ago, and I decided some of y'all might be interested in it as well.

1. Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath started out as a cover band called Earth. They might have kept that name if they didn't learn they were going to a gig in which there would be another band called Earth. Upon learning that they decided to name their band after their first song Black Sabbath, a name that they had gotten from Boris Karloff's 1963 horror movie, Black Sabbath.

2. The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground is a book by Michael Leigh about S&M in America. There are two reports considering where they discovered this book, the first one reports that they found it laying on the sidewalk in New York, the second one that they found it in a trashcan in New York. Unsure about which report to believe

3. Pere Ubu
Ubu Roi is a play by Alfred Jarry written in 1893. It was one of the most important plays in the development of the Theatre of the Absurd. Pere Ubu is the main character in thhat play.

The entirety of the band is meant to be anti-establishment punk (cliche). A rejection of all the stage whoha that goes around now. Allegedly the badn was inspired by the punk band "Negative FX," so they borrowed from the band's name as well