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Old 06-01-2009, 03:13 PM   #11 (permalink)
Son of JayJamJah
Occams Razor
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Default This is what I did at work today

I found it easier to address you all individually. So I took that approach. I would like to make clear I have no idea what any of you are really like and feel far from qualified to make a reasonable assessment of your character, but that didn't stop me from trying.

Adidasss – You’ve always been one of my favorite people to speak with or hear your perspective. We come from such different backgrounds and live in such different worlds and yet I’ve always had a genuine trust of you, like with many folks on here, our limited interaction is just a symptom of what would we ever talk about.

Alfred – Have we meet? You were never a problem when I was a Moderator.

[b]Anteater[b] – You seem to know your stuff and have a good way of making your case without being harsh or close minded. This is a perspective from the outside looking in as we’ve had limited interaction.

Anticipation – When I was a moderator I consistently found you showing little or no respect to other members and while there seemed to be an element of sarcasm and joking sometimes, there was also a bitterness and a clear lack of consideration. It is for this reason I really don’t ever respond to or even read your posts, I don’t pretend to actually know what you are like though.

Bane of your Existence – Not sure we’ve ever talked, I know I’ve read most of your posts in the current events\religion\philosophy forum and you do a pretty good job expressing your point saliently but I can’t say I’ve got any handle on your or your general personality at all.

Boo Boo – Where do I begin, the one person on the sight I genuinely would like to befriend but who has no interest in it. Not sure why but we’ve always clashed, but I certainly respect your opinions and have tried to convey as much even when I disagree. I think you’re Smart, way to easily set off and have the most music knowledge (relevant to me anyway) on the site.

Brad Stengel – I quit posting shortly after you arrived and am just now getting a sense for you. I like your members journal.

Bulldog – Since you’ve been a member you have consistently made threads and posts I enjoy reading and have treated me very considerately and seem to extend the same gratitude towards others. Loved your Costello thread even more because of how much our favorite of his music we clash on.

Captain Caveman – I’ve never been fond of the way your treat other people on here or the lack of respect you show for differing opinions. Some have told me, it’s an act and you are just messing with people, if this is the case I don’t get the joke. I certainly have not gotten to know you and that is the reason I probably never tried. It’s nothing to do with your opinion or it’s credibility but the way you present it and yourself.

Cardboard Adolescent – You are on a different level then me, I often times can’t follow your posts or your logic, but when I can I really admire the way you think. I think a lot of your conclusions or suspicions are a bit pessimistic but there is no doubt you have a different angle on things and that’s something I greatly relate to and appreciate.

Comus – I had a totally different image of you when you had the Comus avatar and all I read was your members journal. Getting to talk with you on here I’ve come to find you to be the type of person to go out of your way to be polite. I appreciate that but it makes me uncomfortable. I like when people disagree and take exception to my opinions. You like a whole lot of music and know more about the music of my era then I do, your reviews and continuity threads are some of the best here.

Dac – Just a really nice guy in my opinion. I enjoy talking sports with you though you really love your teams a lot more then you realize. You are a good fan that’s for sure.

Double-X – I like your taste in music, w probably have little if anything else in common.

Dreadnaught – I have a daughter just a bit older then you and if someone my age from an online forum knew a lot about her I would be pretty uncomfortable with that. Our lack of interaction, from my perspective anyway is simply a consequence of that dynamic. It’s certainly not out of a lack of respect, I’ve found you to be an excellent mod, much better then I was for sure and you have a great sense of humour from what I’ve gathered as well.

Jackhammer – You are the heart of the site, probably would serve you well to back of a bit, but I don’t think you know any other way. Feel like I’ve gotten to know you as well as almost anyone in my time here. Very open minded musically and frustrated to no end that everyone else isn’t. My guess is you’re a very good friend and father in the real world and that’s as nice a thing as I’ll say about anyone on here.

Janszoon – You seem like an ideal choice for moderator. I think your are among the most well natured, humble and even thinking people in this community. Thanks for your contributions.

Khfreek – You’ve always struck me as open minded and thoughtful, in both sense of the later. I wish I’d see more of you in the lounge as I think our musical tastes are a bit apart.

Loose lips sink ships – You have a reputation for being nice in a orum filled with a-holes. That says it all.

Lucifer Sam – You’re a pain in the ass like most people you’re age, especially the thoughtful\smart ones, overall I’ve always been fond of your sarcasm and abruptness. However there are times where I think your quick trigger makes you look a little immature and foolish.

Molecules – Haven’t seen you around much lately, I remember being impressed with your musical knowledge and the manner of presentation and thinking you’d be a really strong member for this community.
Me, Myself and I United as One

Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
If you're posting in the music forums make sure to be thoughtful and expressive, if you're posting in the lounge ask yourself "is this something that adds to the conversation?" It's important to remember that a lot of people use each thread. You're probably not as funny or clever as you think, I know I'm not.

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