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Old 06-01-2009, 03:41 AM   #1 (permalink)
Pale and Wan
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Default Pale and Wanarium

Hey-o, hopefully I'm a vaguely familiar face to most of you by now, and I have more time on my hands than anyone, and this is a pretty good criteria for starting a journal.

I've felt like getting one going for a while, but have been discouraged by the thought that I probably wouldn't update it regularly and it would die painfully. The main problem is that when I'm writing a review I'm fairly obsessive and can tweak and re-write over and over to no discernible effect, and it's a time sink. So this I'm going to loosen up on that and hopefully can start being a little productive.

This is just a pointless intro post, I'll get a review up later tonight. This isn't really going to be the place to find some obscure gems, because my collection isn't so large, and I get most of it from here.

There was a Leunig comic that I wanted to slap on as a header but the internet has totally failed me. If by some miracle one of you knows where to find it, I'll give you a glowing character reference.

Last edited by Fruitonica; 07-15-2009 at 03:48 AM.
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