It's all a sham. I'm not really all that acrimonious or ill-tempered, I seldom use drugs outside of cigarettes and the casual glass or two of red wine, I don't particularly enjoy locking horns with anyone, I hardly listen to any heavy metal, I don't consider myself especially well-informed or witty...
Remember that time I burned up several pages of a political thread, arguing vehemently with Ethan over economics, professing my view that the only way to solve the financial crisis would be to swiftly adhere to iron-fisted, libertarian, right-wing principles? Yeah, I'm a Marxist-Leninist.
And yes, despite the leather jacket-sporting, long-haired, unfathomably badass image you all surely have of me, my favourite band of all-time may well be The frigging Smiths and I can't even begin to compute the number of times in my life people have inquired as to whether or not I'm ga
Above all, and to keep this post tolerably on-topic, I don't think there's anybody on this forum I outright dislike. That's not to say there's a great deal of you I outright like (...
), but if I must divulge, the worst thing about this forum is not any individual member, thread or post, but without a doubt, the fact that I have to use color tags to elude censorship when I use the word "gay".
EDIT: Okay I won't lie Big3 is kind of a douchebag sometimes.
EDIT EDIT: ...and I've sorta had it in for that toretorden fellow ever since he deleted one of my posts (though, come to think of it, I can't even remember what the post was or why he deleted it, so I suppose that...lukewarm grudge is history). boo boo is underrated though. Sure, to this day he won't admit that Stairway To Heaven sounds like Taurus, but if you really think about it, MB without boo boo is kind of like a peanut butter and jam sandwich without bread or a plate, and what's a breadless, plateless peanut butter and jam sandwich but a bunch of sh
it all over your counter?