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Old 05-31-2009, 10:44 AM   #14 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: texas
Posts: 753

i just have a few minutes, so i'll add too this later

mikey is one of my very fav people, not just posters,.....aside from the obvious things about him, pointed out already here,.....he should realize that he is capable of so much more,...and move back to va (not gonna let that one slide),.....he doesnt try to hard, and is very genuine,.....which seems to be a lost virtue these days

liked jawbreaker, he cant be all that bad,.....have fun on your trip, i didnt know that you cribbed the idea

b questions himself too much but also revels in the mysterious persona,.......i think he likes being fitzgerldesque,.....and it works for him

at first,...honestly,....i thought he was a dbag,....then i just figured he was much more dry than i originally assessed, that i know that, his post make me chuckle, even if he likes his women pale

has become a new favorite,.....thanks for the music, empathy, and laughs,....he is very givin of himself to other posters on the board,.....all ways had good feed back,.....and is quick to share his music collection with you

i'll add more to this later,...or not,.....
while i understand that there are many posters on this board, i rarely find myself separating ideas,.....there are very few that i take personality into account when reading posts, and i try and take each comment as if it was the first i've read from that poster,......does that mean i'm objective?
i changed my mind; i changed my mind;now i'm feeling different

all that time, wasted
i wish i was a little more delicate
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my name was clementine - sarah jaffe
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