One of the most honest straight up people you'll meet on here. It's a shame so few people here share his taste in music as I think he posts more in the mod forum than on the music forums these days.
Lee is probably the person I can empathise with the most on here. Similar age (Although he is a few years older

) The roots of our taste in music comes from the same time & place although they seem to have spilt and grown in total opposite directions.
I also think he suffers from something I used to, in that as a mod he feels he has to reply to every thread , check out every compilation , regularly start threads on new bands that only a couple of people ever reply to for the good of the site. I tried to do all of this once and it made me feel bad tempered , frustrated and made me want to quit, and I know it's gotten him frustrated at times as well. Sometimes I just want to tell him to fuc
k the site & just have fun being himself.
Sleepy Jack
Didn't like him at the start and for a long time afterwards, when we became fellow mods we developed a mutual respect for each other. Sometimes I think he takes the whole political debate thing a bit too seriously, but then a lot of people his age do. Give him 10 years in a job he can't stand & a nagging wife and he'll soon be too jaded & tired to care what any political commentators think.
I think he underestimates himself, I don't know what it is but he seems to make a lot of 'everybody's out to crucify me' posts and I just don't see where they are or what he's talking about. He's like a volcano that just suddenly erupts with no prior warning.
I like the guy a hell of a lot though.
In the short time i've known him i've grown to like him a lot. He's yet to lose the plot in a debate & go on a aggressive rampage.
I can't wait to see that one.
In a short time he's been a member this guy has done a hell of a lot of good for this site. I don't think people realise just how much this guy does behind the scenes. But there are times I would like to see him put all that on the back burner & just have a bit of fun. I get the impression he wants to form a barrier between mods & members for the sake of discipline on the site, which I disagree with.
I'll be honest, she wasn't my first choice to be a mod, but I was happy to go along with her when it became obvious some of the other mods wanted her to join us. And i'll say now that she is a mod she's doing a very good job of it too and I respect her greatly.
I don't really talk to her much , I don't really have anything in common with her either and barring a miracle I don't see us ever becoming friends. But saying that I hope she knows i'm always available to her should she ever need anything.
Boo Boo
I could write a 1,000,000 page thesis on Boo Boo.
I like him , even though I spend most of the time arguing with him. I think he's a bit highly strung and a bit too defensive about the stuff he likes. I think sometimes he's more worried about what other people think of his favourite bands than why he likes them himself.
I don't want to resort to clichés here but some (bald headed) female company in the bedroom really would do this guy the world of good.
Piss Me Off
It's really hard to dislike him, not that i've ever tried. Really easy going , always open to new things , He's like the perfect member. But then if every member was like him this place would be boring. That's not to say he is, I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more fire in him & a bit more acidity in his words.
Can't stand him , he knows this
I respect him , he knows this also
Captain Caveman
Random teen angst bot that somehow was hacked onto the site by some /b/ member to spout all their clichés.
I feel as this girl comes from a totally different world from me. Do I like her? I have no idea. I don't think she has a very high opinion of me either. I think it's more down to being so different and having such different backgrounds than any malice on anyones part. I have no idea of some of the things she's talking about sometimes.
Great sense of humour always good for a laugh, I hope she sticks around.
I've known her for years, I talk to her away from the site a lot. If you think all she is is a Lady Gaga fangirl with a high opinion of herself then you're missing out on a really smart, caring person with a wicked sense of humour. I love this girl to bits.
I like Dac , even though I probably don't show it. I do my best not to slate the musical taste of others but in this case I have to.
I see a lot of potential in Dac, I think he has it in him to get to like & appreciate a whole world of music that he seems totally unaware even exists. i'd just love to drag him kicking & screaming out of his 'safe indie favourites' & Radiohead fanboyism and throw him head first into some bizarre obscure avant garde noise headf
uck to really get his teeth into, and then just sit back see what happens.
Lucifer Sam
I didn't really like him much at first, he just seemed to be really gobby & opinionated and not really care what others thought.
Then I realised thats exactly how I am and these days i'm much more likely to give him the benefit of the doubt.
She's a babe
I tried to Urbanize her when she first arrived, had no effect whatsoever & was like water off a ducks back. Always willing to listen to new things , always very complimentary to others , My respect for her grows on a daily basis.
Sweet as hell , funny as f
Nice cleavage too
Enough with the f*cking videos in every post
I might do some more people later.
I was bored of talking about the same old idiots that dominate this place so I decided to post some more of these.
Flower Child - I think she's one of the best noobs we've had in a while. I think her member journal is the best one the forum. she doesn't just write reviews, she writes why they're personal to her which is something i've tried to do with my own. for that reason I don't find her reviews as dry as maybe some others on the forum and more readable, and I guess because we have similar styles I can empathise with her better. Not only that she's also a pleasure to talk to and one of the most selfless members we have.
Kirby - I've hardly run into him as he posts mostly in the Hip Hop forums , in fact I don't think i've ever said a word to him. But for his knowledge and enthusiasm of his chosen subject he has my upmost respect.
Kevorkian Logic - I don't think i've spoken to her much either, which is a shame because i've always considered her posts essential reading. So I guess I could easily sum her up by saying I wish I knew her better and I wished she was here more often.
Comus - He reminds me of me a lot, in that he says what he thinks and he doesn't care who knows it. Some people can't handle that , some can. I wasn't sure how to take him at first but there's never been any doubt in my mind he knows his stuff. His recent stuff in the Beatles vs Stones thread has had me in hysterics.
Murder Junkie - This guy is great and it's a shame he doesn't come here as much as he used to. He deserves credit for being the most unpretentious man ever to set foot in this forum. When myself & him were at our peak every peice of totty on the forum wanted some of us
Patton - I've spoken to her a couple of times and i've always found her to be nice enough. I'm not so sure that her jumping into arguments when certain people are involved help her cause amongst others on the forum but hopefully she can put that behind her.
Fruitonica - Always has something interesting to say and I always have time for his posts. However I really think needs to do or say something memorable to stand out from the crowd.
Gone Sugaring - A girl who likes The Fall.
I'm still reeling from the shock.
JayJamJah - I think I probably like him more than he realises. I don't know if it's because he doesn't 'get' me or if i've been short with him or if it's just he doesn't think much to the way I am, I couldn't say. All I know is I find his posts very insightful and I think the forum is poorer for his absense.
FaSho - I thought he was a bit of a prick at first , and no doubt he thought I was one too. But i'm warming to him a lot.
Alfred - I had him down as a typical annoying teen when he first joined but I don't think I have ever been so wrong about someone. If I owned a hat i'd take it off to him.
Wolverinewolfweiselpigeon - I think we should make her the forum mascot.