Originally Posted by jackhammer
The Radiohead thread still gets hit like no tomorrow.
True, but it's a lot more confined to the specific thread than it was a few months ago, and it's mostly me, Sweet Nothing, and a few others with all of the posts.
Originally Posted by jackhammer
Everyone claims to love Reggae because they own one Bob Marley record.
I personally can't stand reggae, but I see a lot of this. In the real world it's Bob Marley's greatest hits, and some Ziggy Marley song.
Originally Posted by jackhammer
The more obscure prog album that you find means that you are cooler than everyone else.
Originally Posted by jackhammer
A thread that promotes negativity will outshine a well intentioned thread regarding an unknown band 5:1.
See Comus' abortion of a thread.
Originally Posted by jackhammer
Members have a hard time admitting that they like average music. It is where we all started probably.
Guilty as charged.