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Old 05-27-2009, 05:48 PM   #386 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo View Post
That's the point I've been trying to show Big3 through the example but it's flying over his head. Where we draw the line of who gets rights and who doesn't is not an easy decision.
That's why we're having these discussions and why there's a debate on the issue, but I think what big3 was trying to say (and which I understood oddly enough, but I'm high so maybe that's it) is that regarding homosexuality, there already is or should be a reasonable (not-religion based) consensus that gay people should be allowed to marry. The problem with polygamy is similar because there's a moral objection to the marriages, but excluding that, there's only the practical matter to be addressed (I only assume that people who are for gay rights would be supportive of all people's rights and thus reach a similar consensus regarding polygamy), whether or not such relationships could be admitted into the institution of marriage without completely dismantling it.

Hope some of that will make sense in the morning...
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