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Old 05-27-2009, 08:13 AM   #345 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
The equality arguments weren't cutting it, but saying "Polygamy would be redrafting the rules, so *** can get married" works better?
Yes, from a legal standpoint, that makes a world of difference. One is easily doable without turning the whole institution on its head, the other isn't. That makes for a reasonable state interest for continuing to ban polygamist marriages.

The only reason Polygamy is involved is because it also isn't legal. But theres no other relationship between homosexuality and polygamy.
The connection is that these two groups of people are being denied the right to have their relationships officially recognized. If we're going by the argument that everyone has a right to marry whomever one wishes, there's no philosophical argument to make against polygamist relationships. But again, there are legal and other practical issues which I've stated above which make the issue more complicated.

The rest of your post made no sense. Do you have dyslexia perchance?
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