Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Uh to continue with this train of terrible logic your point is still moot. Some people are allowed same-sex marriage under the law (see a few states, Canada, and so on.) No one in the United States is allowed to married to multiple partners at once but you can go to Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut and Iowa if you want same-sex marriage. So no you aren't all equal as United States citizens right now.
WTF does Canada have to do with anything? And you are missing the point completely. If the Supreme Court ruled that the states who have same-sex marriage are no longer allowed to, then would all things be considered equal? As said, no one is allowed to marry someone of the same sex. By the definition stated, that is equal, correct?
I don't really see what's wrong with me referring to homosexuality as a biological condition. I've never met a homosexuality who said they were born straight and decided to switch later, so I would consider it something you're born with (which is the basic definition for biological condition. I know sexuality has more to do with psychology than genetics but I don't really care unless you want to argue semantics.)
Right, I'm saying it's quite easy to have an argument that polygamy is biological.