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Old 05-26-2009, 05:06 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default The Wedding Present

Of all the bands you'll find on the CD86 comp, these guys are probably my favourites. Leeds' finest musical export in my opinion. I've given them a shout or two before on the boards (I actually thought they were Mancs as well - boy is my face red!). They have a sound which sounds a bit like a mix of the Buzzcocks and Joy Division and then sped up a little bit - classic jangly 80s indie then. Any fans of the Smiths should definitely check these guys out.

Can't get enough of their George Best album myself. Here's a nice video with three of its highlights - Getting Nowhere Fast, My Favourite Dress and Shatner;

Anyone else into these guys at all?

Oh, and PMs available on request as always
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