TO LISTEN TO GENTLE GIANTNow ignoring my incredible paint skills for a second, here's a pre-recorded message:
Hello musicbanter! It’s Thursday, and for some reason that screams to me it’s time to shove some prog down your throat. Infact every day for the next seven days I’m going to shove some prog down your throat, more specifically in the shape of one band. That’s right, for you nubs doing discography threads over several years. I’m going to review, in order, Gentle Giant’s seven essential albums in a week.
This is to prove that prog doesn’t have to be all wankery and serious composition. Gentle Giant are perhaps one of the most fun bands in the progressive rock mainstream. Relying less on overt humour like Caravan and rather keeping their songs fun in a more subtle way. You’ll notice a lot of quirks about their music and lyrics, as we travel through this wonderful week.
I'd like this to stay in general music for the week it takes me to finish it please, would be appreciated.