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Old 05-19-2009, 04:41 PM   #3 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2009
Location: My perception of Florida
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
I have a major problem with grammatically constructing thoughts when I'm tired and can't sleep, sorry about all the run-on sentences.
This is ironic...I have been thinking a lot about mortality and afterlife and hadn't sleep for a while then did last night..Irony..definition..synchronicity
I think there is no afterlife and that haunted me at first but I am beggining to accept the fact man.
I think we live to connect and die when it happens...I hope what I just typed is true I meant to put and die when it happens like when death just happens..but I also believe that maybe everything in life can't be a random set of events. Or maybe there are so many variables that the same kind show up a lot. Leading you to perceive them as linked in some way.
How can you ever be sure what you perceive is true? Or sense for that matter...
I am an intellectual stoner and I exist btw
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