Originally Posted by wokerybrockery
Im a local 104 union Sheet Metal Worker that is laid off due to the crap economy, so I work at Toys R Us. drastic pay cut x screaming kids+annoying job+no benefits= i hate my life.
Damn you're in a Union and you still got laid off? That's harsh. Back when I was a forklift driver in Vancouver Canada the fact that we were part of the United Steel Worker's Union was the only reason half of us didn't get laid off. Instead they messed around with our pay and were just generally *******s to make us quit voluntarily which worked for me and a few others.
Right now I don't have a definitive job title, I do bitch work for a Tax company which includes sending off e-mails to dead beats whose credit cards are declined or expired. Shipping out product that we sell (CD's and books), some audio and video editing (because I'm cheaper than their contractors and have the programming), and occasionally running packages to the state capital. It's alright for the most part, but there's no central office so everything is done via e-mail, telephone, or instant message so a lot of the time there's communication issues.