I cant see how Alice in Chains a band that clearly died when Layne Staley did, (anyone that actually listened to his songs should know that) is making new music.

That is like an improper resurrection...in my mind. I don't even want to be haunted by the fact that the new music sucks so bad(in comparison to old AIC) before I even hear it, I know it will.
AIC = Down in a hole, listen to the song if you don't agree.
This thread is about the old band not the new songs.

Listening to Big Black River by Pygmy Lush listen if you share the same sentiments.
Oh and high to everyone! This forum has granted me a name, life. therefore to anyone who reads that name I exist and I'm infectious hehe jk....

Oh and I smoke...
I have been having alot of deep discussions, revelations, and thoughts about human mortality lately btw.