Originally Posted by Rage Against the Machine
This album totally changed my opinion on these guys. Before I thought they were alright and had a couple albums by them (Feels, SJ, and WC), but MPP is just....wow. Definitely turned them into one of my favorite bands ever.
I never had a high opinion of them either. What I heard made them sound like they were trying too hard, so I just dismissed them. Yet something made me want to check out MPP, maybe the fact that I heard it was more accessible and had nice Beach Boys harmonizing or something. I don't even consider myself a Beach Boys fan or anything. Maybe it's because last year I'd heard Panda Bear's album and thought it was better than any Animal Collective stuff I'd heard, so my hopes were higher. So it turns out MPP completely changed my opinion on these guys too. What a great album! I've played it probably 6 times since earlier this year (that's a lot of plays for me). I gave it a "very good" score. It takes a lot for me to call something excellent. Being that I like it so much it would normally inspire me to check out the band's past work...but I honestly don't think I'll like it as much as this. So it's low on my list of priorities.