Okay so what are we going to do about this mess?
Econ fact. Following the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve inposed restrictions on the intrest rates that banks could pay depositors.
Is that enoughe? I think if we are going to get through this crisis that a united economy needs to be put in place. Like I think if there was a universal currency (everyone in the country uses the same money) that it would HELP cure the problem. Not make the problem better but make a step too. With all the money in the world at diffrent values, some worth more some worth less. I think if it was all worth the same that we would'nt have such a problem.
Help World Economy and health of our children.
Next thing we would have to do too help our economy. The USA needs to get all home and allied troops out of Iraq. Or if we can't do that we need to fight the war for what it was ment to be fought over. Terrorism. When did the war on terror end up the war of oil. The worlds oil is gettng all used up so everyone is fighting over it. If us people don't unite it could be the end of the world as we know it. Yeah, I know the world ending sounds a bit much but... Stop and think for like 10 seconds. War these days are alot more technological then they used to be. It's not "trench wars" anymore. I mean they have kids!!! Kids the age of 11. When I was 11 I was playing with toy soldiers. Not being a real soldier. Not to mention chemical weapons. Those really scare me.
Quick fact:
The Federal Reserve System is in charge of the monetary policy of the United States. This means that it seeks to influence the money supply to further the economic goals of the nation. In times of economic contractions (recessions), the Federal Reserve generally increases the money supply, while in economic expansions it generally decreases the money supply. It does this by buying or selling government securities. When the Fed buys government securities from banks and other institutions, it creates the money it needs to pay for it. This increases the money supply. When the Fed sells government securities, it gets money in return. The Fed then destroys the money out of circulation. This contracts the money supply.
How to help IN the U.S.
It's crazy how in the USA we are killing each other. It's like theres a bigger war on our soil. For those who don't really know what I am talkign about I will explain. In the USA there are many many gangs. The MOB which is of Italian decent, has made more money in 1 year than Bill Gates has made in his life time

. How did they get this money? Not through being totally legal. They get it through gas stations. Yes. Back in the 60's and 70's the whole gas buisness was ran by the mob. Alot of people did not know this. I did'nt even know it until yesterday when I was watching The History Channel. (Pretty nifty channel if I say so myself.) So what I'm trying to get at is. We need to get this gang activity in check. Or we need to get a MOBSTER in office. The mob can run a buisness and turn it in to billions of dollars. We need to get them down first then move on to the other gangs.
Problems with America.
We are spending $200,000+ to keep prisoners in prison. Alto of them are inthere for small crimes like drugs. I think an appropriate punishment for the crime of having,selling,using drugs should be a rehab stay and or communtiy service. They don't need to be in jail. We are just spending too much money on them.
But thats about all I have to say. What do you guys think?
The quick American fact is taken from my Econ test.