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Old 05-10-2009, 03:37 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Location: Boston, Massachusetts
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Well I said it would open you up to ridicule. I don't care where you live. It was more that your name is "half baked."

From my perspective, I don't know why Obama is being as hated as he is. He's barely over the 100 days mark and he's done more work than most in his short time in office. People don't actually think he's jesus, and despite his historic victory, I doubt anyone voted for him because of race. He had sound policies that weren't insanely partisan and despite his efforts, republicans refuse to work with him at all.

People like him because the alternative is literally the people who got us into this mess.

As for socialized programs, like many western economies have, keep in mind that they have quite a few auxiliary aspect that pay off huge. For example our senior citizens aren't dying off alone in apartments.

And the same way the public transit funding, and natural disaster and pandemic precautions don't actually stimulate the economy, the do prevent it from shrinking. Many of the natural services the country needs are because we have a socialist nature to a few programs.

Do you know how many industries would be effected if Social Security was taken away? Willfred Brimley would be screwed.
I've moved to a new address
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