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Old 05-10-2009, 08:58 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by half_baked87 View Post
so because i'm from canada and i like weed that somehow de-values my opinion of american media? way to broadbrush a nation, asshat. we're not all socialist pussies up here. i have plenty of problems with the media in my country. but this thread was about fox news, and thats what i think of it. the lesser of the evils.
Actually, you don't get a choice as to whether or not you're socialist unless you leave and revoke citizenship. Now I never called socialists pussies, but if you think you're a pussy thats your problem.

Theres nothing liberal about CNN. I remember learning that objective journalism was actually not the standard and that it was created as a marketing ploy to get more readers.

In the early days of this, the New York Times would cover a lynching in the south, and they'd also interview Klansmen to get "their side of the story."

Theres somethings that are generally just wrong. Because Fox news gives a voice to homophobic, racist america doesn't mean their "Fair and Balanced."

No I don't think its a story that his middle name is Hussein, no I don't want to see his birth certificate, no, I'm not afraid he might be a secret muslim.

They also created the entire Tea Bag party "Grassroots effort," its not fair, its bull****.
I've moved to a new address
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