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Old 05-10-2009, 08:57 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
If by attempt you mean let a few liberals on so they can be yelled at for a few minutes then yes.

There's only two kinds of liberals on fox.

1. The kind that are never allowed to speak and always get cut off.

2. The kind that never challange the crazy right wing sh*t that's being spewed.

A good example of the first is guys like Christopher Hitchins and Ted Rall appeared on Hannity, the guy just plain wouldn't let them talk, their only purpose was to serve as a catalyst for Hannity's dumb rants.
fair enough, hannity is a bullheaded douche. but everything you've mentioned here about liberals being attacked on fox news is exactly what happens to conservatives on CNN, NBC and other major networks. the only difference is the pundits there rely on their own sense of superiority (smug little laughs, eye rolls at the silly backwards conservative) instead of being a loud mouthed SOB. at least hannity is right out in the open with it when he throws his objectivity to the wind.

and i hate to bring this up, but its too damn relavant not to. THEY TREAT OBAMA LIKE JESUS CHRIST! does anyone else remember when obama made the special olympics joke on letterman i think it was? he got away SCOTT FREE!! if bush would have said that he'd have been crucified by every major network and forced to apologize to anyone who's brother knows a retard. where was reverend al? where was jesse jackson? where were all these civil rights and political correctness vultures then? ****ing nowhere, because the media didn't want to give too much coverage and besmirch beloved obama's image.

so even if FOX has a right-wing lean to it. everything else has a pretty hard left lean to it, so in the end, if you watch both you should be scared and confused. and isn't that what they're all trying to do anyways?
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