Originally Posted by ElephantSack
explain to me how hate and prejudice are conducive to the long term survival of humankind.
its all from early humanity. "the other tribe looks different, and they are more than likely going to try and take our **** and rape our women". none of you can deny having a racist or prejudiced thought at one time or another. and it's there for a reason. I'm not advocating it, i'm just a realist. think about it this way, if you were approached by a group of thugs in a rough part of town after dark... what do you think. "gee, these fellows look like they just want a chat, maybe they need the time" or is it "what the ****s happening.. should i be running for my life?" that feeling you get in your gut is prejudice. and its there because its for survival. at the same time i dont think it has a place in modern society, and absolutely the world would be a better place without it, but its just not pyschologically possible to erase that little voice in us. we're barely out of the jungle and we still have instincts in us that were originally intended for survival in the wild. as much as we try to mitigate them, they'll always be there