What I shall be eating in a few minutes
Urban's Ultra Cool Beef Stroganoff
You will need.....
3 Small thin Minute Steaks
1 Small Onion
A couple of handfulls of mushrooms
Bottle White Wine
A Quarter of a pint of Cream
Cut the Steak into small cubes & fry them. When brown chop the onion and add them to the pan with a good splash of wine.
When they're cooked take them out of the pan , drain the meat juices back into it add another good splash of wine and fry the mushrooms.
When the mushrooms are cooked add the meat & onions back into the pan. Add salt & pepper , a nice sized glass of wine & the cream.
Stir it all in and then f
uck off for 20/30 minutes while it simmers & reduces the sauce.
Eat with boiled rice , or for the fat c
unt option with chips.
Serves 2 , or 1 if you are going for the fat c
unt option.