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Thread: Make A Religion
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Old 05-06-2009, 05:31 AM   #68 (permalink)
From Hank To Hendrix
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
ZZ Top is awesome.

In fact, most of the posts here by far only mocks religion in a very general way. I don't see why followers of a specific religion like catholism should feel hurt if I make fun of Janzsoonism, Bowism or Infinitism. I don't think they should feel hurt if I make fun of scientology either actually.

In other words, I don't think there's a problem with the thread in general, but if you come across any posts you find particularly offensive, you're free to report them.
Yeah I agree, ZZ Top's stuff from the 70s before they went all 'synth-rock' in the 80s is absolutely fantastic, especially the albums 'Tejas', 'Tres Hombres' & 'Deguello'. Also they did a fantastic 'comeback' album in the mid 90s called 'Antenna' which is probably my favourite ZZ Top album.
As for the 80s stuff I dont dislike it, just crap is comparison to the other stuff they did in previous and proceeding decades. I have 'Eliminator' & 'Recycler' (which is actually 90s (1990) but still has a kind of 80s sound to it).

Anyway after my rant about ZZ top (which you either wanted to or didnt want to hear)
I have to say that I am not personally offended by these posts but I just think it is pretty much unsuitable for religious people to be viewing these posts.It doesnt really matter whether your mocking it in general or specifically people will still be offended.
+ I aint gonna complain about any posts, as Im neither religious or non religious & It isnt my place.
The people who are offended should do this, not me- Im only voicing an opinion from a neutral point of view.

Originally Posted by JayJamJah View Post
Watch what happens when we change just a three little words (by my doorstep)
Originally Posted by Mirrorball95Doppelganger
Yeah if I could get a big one, say from Neil Young or something, id stick it in. I'd just get sick.
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