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Thread: Make A Religion
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Old 05-06-2009, 02:53 AM   #67 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Mirrorball95 View Post
It not the fact of which religion is being 'made fun' of, fair enough have a laugh but I think the religious people on here should be taken into account and obviously this could be seen as offensive as one poster has already complained about. Also I must stress that I am neither religious or non religious, I just have an open mind on things. I dont practice religion but I dont mock people who do.
I can somehow find it within myself to respect religious people & I cant see why these people(including yourself) cant do the same.
So from a neutral point of view I see it as inappropriate.
As for 'pointing' out the mockery I dont think its necessary as most of the posts before I started posting on this topic were just mocking religion in general. If you really need to look at them to get the just of what Im talking about then go ahead...

So judging by your 'theory', your favourite band is ZZ Top then?
ZZ Top is awesome.

In fact, most of the posts here by far only mocks religion in a very general way. I don't see why followers of a specific religion like catholism should feel hurt if I make fun of Janzsoonism, Bowism or Infinitism. I don't think they should feel hurt if I make fun of scientology either actually.

In other words, I don't think there's a problem with the thread in general, but if you come across any posts you find particularly offensive, you're free to report them.
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