Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
It would be paramilitary, and we'd raise an army that would rent itself out for merc operations and birthday parties. We'd convert the homeless and the drug addled into clean, furious killing machines that we could use to overthrow succeding states and South Carolina for its past transgressions.
It would have a Christian template but operate heavily in druadic and primalist maxims. We'd eat a macro-biotic diet, and there would be several "achievements" that would allow one to achieve true physical virtue. They would be:
1. Iron Cross, held for 5+ minutes
2. Iron Man
3. Ultra Marathon
4. Iditarod completion
5. Volvo Ocean Race completion (sans death)
Also there are several animals you must best in combat. The ones marked with a star allow for a single, blunt weapon to be included in combat.
1. Wolf
2. Bear*
3. Shark*
4. Lyger
5. Singular piranha*
One must live a life free of drug and alcohol use. Marriage would be considered a limitation of the growth potential and therefore barred. Copius amounts of sex would be encouraged. All carries of any STD, curable or otherwise would be executed immediatly.
Our Major holidays would include secular ones, such as Thanksgiving and Memorial Day. the 4th of July would be a recognized holiday for the religios freedom that gave us the oppertunity to be. We would also have our own centered around the 5 feats and 2 more; The 15th of April (reanimation day) and November 1st (marking the end of harvest)
(am I taking this too far? I'm bored at work)
Within the confines of the city we'd live in an agrarian society, with tradeing and bartering as our only currency. Only portable instruments would be allowed. Those illitarate by the age of ten would be subject to execution.
Tattoo's are mandatory.
The part I highlighted in bold confirm to me that you have
way to much time on your hands; worse also- wasting it with such pretentious nonsense.
Originally Posted by toretorden
I wonder what established religions are being made fun of .. My post here was criticism of scientology which I think every scientologist should read, but I can't remember coming across anything else. It doesn't mean there isn't some (I'm too lazy to look atm), but feel free to regard this as an invitation to point the mockery out to me.
It not the fact of
which religion is being 'made fun' of, fair enough have a laugh but I think the religious people on here should be taken into account and obviously this could be seen as offensive as one poster has already complained about. Also I must stress that
I am neither religious or non religious, I just have an open mind on things. I dont practice religion but I dont mock people who do.
I can somehow find it within myself to respect religious people & I cant see why these people(including yourself) cant do the same.
So from a neutral point of view I see it as inappropriate.
As for 'pointing' out the mockery I dont think its necessary as most of the posts before I started posting on this topic were just mocking religion in general. If you really need to look at them to get the just of what Im talking about then go ahead...
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
The only good thing about Muhammad, Moses, and Jesus were their beards.
So judging by your 'theory', your favourite band is ZZ Top then?
Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent
i'm sorry, but that seems pretty closed-minded to me. no brownie points for "love thy neighbor" or "turn the other cheek"?
What he said (In bold).