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Old 05-04-2009, 03:35 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sister Ray View Post
What about the follow up to Marquee Moon, Adventure? It's a different sound... much softer (for lack of a better description)

I still like it a lot... and I agree the guitar work made them something out of the "punk" norm. Still good tunes though!
I was about to ask...does anyone like their other album(s)? Personally I've only ever heard Marquee Moon, and I like it quite a bit. I noticed this thread at the end of last week and decided to play it again yesterday when I went for a walk. I think it grows on me with each listen, great stuff. So it got me wondering about their other stuff. I know MM is regarded as their best but I'm wondering if I'd like Adventure.
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I'd love to see your signature/links too, but the huge and obnoxious ones have caused me to block all signatures.
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