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Old 05-02-2009, 01:48 PM   #22 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Yeah but they don't have those on video.

I mean c'mon, do you really expect me to believe that all these complex and precise crop circles found around the world were done by two british guys with nothing but pieces of plywood? And how do they produce the kind of radiation that is commonly found at these sites?
A lot of these cropmakers already "came out" with their secrets a long time ago. I saw a documentary on it and it was pretty amazing what they could do in a night, just a bunch of people, some wood and rope. Funnily, ufo fanatics commonly claimed that the way the crops were bent wasn't possible with "human technology", morons.

There was a lot of competition between different teams doing this which is why the crop circles get more and more extravagant over time.

You can even buy your own advertisement crop circle these days, darnit.

It's pretty cool, but it's just careful planning and some hours of work with a team of guys, some smarts and simple tools.

As for radiation, source plz.
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