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Old 04-30-2009, 07:20 PM   #55 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by Dona View Post
i don't see how the opinion on music has anything to do with what is really inside. i have a friend of mine who is a very good person and she likes disco, dance and all those sh**ty monotonous disco songs (if they can be called songs)...but now that i think of it, she ain't that bright >.>
You missed my point.

Judging music based on its popularity level, regardless of what it actually sounds like, is ignorant.
If we only steered toward what's either unpopular, or popular, without taking the actual music itself into account, then we're being led by an expectation; not a genuine interest.
I understand the need to generalize to some degree, but if we limit ourselves too much (and I'm not just talking about disco here) then we miss out on opportunities to develop our own appreciation of what's out there.

That's what I was trying to say.
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