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Old 04-30-2009, 03:24 PM   #281 (permalink)
I'm sorry, is this Can?
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Well first off, you like Trout Mask Replica.
I thoroughly enjoy Trout Mask Replica, and all of Captain Beefhearts music, no idea why it just has a massive appeal for me
It's a combination of your lazy, narrow and biased arguments, your lame puns and the smirking expression in your avatar which haunts me everytime we have a discussion.
On what level are any of my arguments lazy? In the prog thread, correctly saying that something is "Art-Rock" is pretty much as far as I can go in a genre-based argument. And saying that I can't enjoy the wall due to my personal opinion is pretty valid considering music is subjective, especially considering you started here expressing knowledge that a lot of people dislike the wall.
You come off to me as an elitist music nerd, and considering that last picture you used for your avatar, that's not far off.
I like Pearl Jam, 'nuff said.

Frankly your harrassing, know it all attitude is pretty grating, especially considering you get pissy whenever you're called out and are so obviously wrong. People wouldn't be so abrasive towards you if you just went "Ok, well you're a ***" instead of going "waaaaa if you weren't making a valid point I'd give you an infraction"
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Originally Posted by antonio
classical music isn't exactly religious, you know?
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