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Old 04-28-2009, 08:14 AM   #351 (permalink)
Craziest Thing
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Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit View Post
after my grandmother died in 1985, my brother and I held a little seance in our bedroom. We sat there together with candles lit, lights out and just asked for some form of sign if my grandmother was listening or in the room with us. Sure enough within' 30 seconds or so we heard the cover to a chest we had in the room SLAM shut. This thing had hinges on it and was not easy to close, you had to put some force into it. Anyway... we both jumped up and ran out of the room. We did it again at my other grandmothers house and again, after we asked for a sign we heard something fall and start to move. It was our Verbot (a robot toy from the 80's) that suddenly switched on then fell off the table.

About 5 years later my grandfather fell ill with lung cancer and was dying in our home as being in a hospital wouldn't have done him any good by this point. Anyway, I was sleeping over a friends house (not really thinking about him passing away that weekend or anytime soon). That night I had a dream of my grandfather in a blue suit waving to me. He was in the distance with a bright white light behind him and he just stood there waving. I knew it was him but didn't know why I was dreaming this. When my father picked me up he told me that my grandfather had passed away the night before but they didn't want to tell me because they didn't see the point since I was having fun at my friends house. When I went to the wake my grandfather was in a blue suit... it freaked me out. Later my mother told me she had the very same dream, woke up... went to the bathroom, came out to check on my grandfather, he made a funny sound and died.

I've heard tons of other stories from people that wouldn't lie about that sorta thing... I know there are forces and spirits around us.

maybe so but there are also things called coincidence
He Who Makes A Beast Out Of Himself Gets Rid Of The Pain Of Being A Man
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