For this thread to be fruitful, I think we need to clarify some terms. We can start with gene mutations.
Genes mutate all the time which important when it comes to giving rise to genetic diversity. You can think of genes as a piece of paper with a nice drawing on it. If you put that in a copier and make 100 copies, not all those papers are gonna be 100% identical. Genes mutate because of mutagens that are substances we get in our bodies, because of errors in replication of genes during mitosis or meiosis (cell splitting) or simply because of radiation or background radiation from space which we can do nothing about. In other words, genes mutate all the time - in you, me and all those rats crawling around in the sewers.
Genes make gene products, proteins, and a mutated gene could make a protein with the same function as the "unmutated gene" (if those exist) but sometimes, the gene product is slightly altered so that function is lessened or completely destroyed.
Albinism in humans is caused by a mutation in the genetic pathway to producing melanin so that melanin prudction is less or totally disrupted.
In other words, I suspect you didn't want to make a thread about mutated genes! I suspect you wanted to make a thread about genetically modified humans or animals.