04-27-2009, 10:02 PM
#7 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: VAN
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Originally Posted by 333
Yes, I know that; however the discussion at hand involves the US, and at the moment, most of our hemp is imported from Canada, France and China. Care to draw a conclusion on what that means about the status of cannabis hemp cultivation in America? Practically non-existent as far as I know. My point is that though it is legal in America, socially and mentally, most Americans are not accepting to it. To me, this is equivalent to, if not worse than, it being illegal.
oh well i live in canada so... sucks for you guys
Originally Posted by Wayfarer
marijuana shouldn't be legalized because it'd help the economy, it should be legalized because i have the right to put whatever i want into my own ****ing body so long as i do no harm to anybody else. it's pathetic that this is still even up for debate.