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Old 04-26-2009, 04:03 PM   #7 (permalink)
jeff's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 54

Sup, bro. Ever heard of Carnifex? They're pretty ****ing sick, man. They have this one breakdown, all my bros don't like it, but they're ****ing ***gots. I think its the ****. You don't even like them, do you? What are you, ***? I bet you listen to lame ****. Carnifex is better than all that crap. They're the best ****ing band ever. Don't deny it. You know its true.

My favorite part is the lyrics. They're all about beating chicks, ****ing them while not caring about them at all and other hardcore **** like that. Cause thats what I'm all about, man. You can find me in Armadillo Grill with a different 14 year old girl under my arm ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. They all know I don't care about them. But they're young and get a kick out of that. They know, like I do, that real relationships are for ***S. So needless to say, I'm cooler than you. I mean, look at my hat. That **** is ALL TO THE SIDE AND UP AND ****. Mainstream society wants my hat to be turned forwards, but I'm way too alternative and badass for that ****.

Oh, so I see you noticed my ink? ****s ****ing sick, isn't it? I'm saving up to get a giant donkey tatooted right on my forehead. **** will be so cash.

screw yall. I'll bree you later,
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