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Old 04-25-2009, 02:21 AM   #704 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mirrorball95 View Post
I have nothing more to say regarding the topic Rolling Stones vs The Beatles as I feel I have said enough (as you will most probably all agree) and it would be pretty small of me to come on here and start ranting and raving again after a week has passed. I am now a music-forum ex convict (Ive done my time )...

All I have to say regarding this comment is that I find it bewildering & laughable to be called a 'lame kid' by a 15 year old (im 19). I have a younger sister who is 15 & I cant get my head around this one. In further reference to the comment I dont bother what people think about me or what music i listen to, I listen to what I like and what moves me personally.
Case closed.
Sorry if I called you a "lame kid" (sometimes my vocabulary can be very lacking) but from what I have read you are in my eyes are like many people I know, all of which are very annoying. Using a Gigantic list as an argument and insulting everyone else on the forum by insinuating that every else can't think for themselves and gives into hype (therefore making you the most badass music maestro of all) is LAME BTW I'd happily be an ignorant 15 year old (which I pretty much am but really its kind of hard not to be) then some one who has such useless empty opinions and happens to be 4 years my senior (congratulations). ps If i hear the words "Hype" or "Overrated" again I think i'm going to shoot myself.

Last edited by Odyshape; 04-25-2009 at 10:32 AM.
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