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Old 04-17-2009, 06:05 PM   #140 (permalink)
Yukon Cornelius
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Oh I get it, telling her she's a dumb conformist who smears crap on her face is just "being honest"

"Being honest" or "Just telling it like it is" are phrases I've come to despise, because now these phrases are what FoxNews and talk radio pundits use to pretty much justify any insane or prejudiced thing that comes out of their mouth. And you're doing the same thing.
So you say its mean?

Come on boo boo, think about how trained ppl are.. Its as if everyone has to make up excuses... I was basically making a point honestly it could be anything, but the crap smearing gets attention, why?

I will tell you why, the same reason that people put coffee cans on there car exhaust, put 20 inch rims on there cars, where ridiculous jewlery they cant really afford, fall into massive debt, but cellular phones with plans they can't afford, drive cars they can't afford... you can see it everywhere, its everywhere you look. People are more concearned with there "image" than they are with what matters most. Who declares that image? not you thats where the crap smearing comes into place, its an attempt to get your attention to what I am talking about.

Basically all that is frivoulus is crap and we (me included) smear it all over our faces every day. you and who ever else can deny what ever you want but you know that if you have to lie than its a bigger problems than those who can address it.

My weaknesses are for me to know, my message is not rude it is awarness. I would appreciate if you looked at it like that.
Attempting to find a cure for Stupid...
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