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Old 04-17-2009, 10:01 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bella! View Post
That should be changed. We have trade agreements with most of these countries along with arms agreements. Protection of a vessel and its' cargo should become a prime concern, don't you think?

And why would any ship, especially knowing there is a pirate crisis in those waters, even navigate that area? I know there are shipping lanes and such, but shouldn't they be escorted by armed protection?
It's easy to just say "that should be changed" but the question is how? Most countries are more concerned with protecting their borders and harbors than with protecting foreign ships. It's kind of a tough sell telling a country like China or India that armed foreign sailors are going to start arriving in their ports, especially considering what just happened in India a few months ago.

It's also easy to just say "steer around where the pirates are" but I'm sure if it were that simple that's exactly what all these ships would be doing.
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