Seems like I get the short end of the stick in every debate... "Yes Yukon your right, but."
You take every letter of every word I write and assume I'm angey or some crap. You say all kinds of mean **** to me on every reply and I have yet to be mean. Just because I might not use the most appealing analogy does not mean I dislike anyone. It means I am trying to get a point across.
You all assume that its anger, or making fun, or being above... Its really not, its about awarness, maybe thinking why it is we do these things, or why half of america watches american Idol. Why is reality tv so important to so many ppl, why would companies save the best commercials for the super bowl? We know why, all of us... This is about awareness. Opinions as well, but its really hard to deny that there is brainwashing or that it only affects the weak minded.
I just want you all to think before you post, (not about how right I am) (which is what I assume you (generally speaking) think I mean) I want you to really think about it. Let it settle. Then post up.
Attempting to find a cure for Stupid...