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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 04-17-2009, 05:46 AM   #434 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Look I'm a big Jackson fan but I agree with whatsitoosit, there comes a time for every famous artist and band that once they fade away or are way past their prime, the fans don't want to hear their new songs anymore.
Exactly some fans DO want to hear new music from Michael Jackson.

Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
If people go to a Jackson concert nowadays they don't want to hear some crappy new Timberlake-lite songs he wrote, they want Billie Jean and Beat It, Smooth Criminal and Bad, Don't Stop Til You Get Enough and Off The Wall, the classics. That's the case for most old bands that are still together, weither it be Genesis or Van Halen, they can throw in some new songs but what people really want are the oldies.

There's nothing wrong if Jackson were to just accept that, there was a time when he ruled the pop industry, but that time has passed. Nowadays he'd do just fine being a human jukebox
I never disagreed with that truth and thats OBVIOUS so why keep mentioning? Thats not going to stop him from making new material and why should he? His an artist that has been in the game for his entire life, so if he wants to continue to make music because that is something he enjoys than why stop him? Just because it wont be as successful as his older works does not mean he should throw in the towel for making new music.
And it also does not mean that his new material will be bad but if you dont want to by the C.D. because its not up to part with his older work then dont buy it.
It does not matter what the media or public thinks. Utimately his going to do what he wants to do.... and it should be that way.
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